Little Footprints

How very softly you tiptoed into my world.

Almost silently you stayed,

but what an imprint your footsteps

have left upon my heart

A heart of gold stopped beating

My baby girl's eyes at rest

God broke our hearts to prove,

He only takes the best.

God knew she had to leave us,

but she did not go alone.

For part of us went with her,

the day He took her home.

To some she is forgotten,

to others... just the past,

but to us who loved and lost her

memories will always last.

 BabyFruit Ticker

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Wonderful People

So for the past few days I have been feeling very sorry for myself in the fact that once again we're not pregnant. and I have been letting that consume me and making myself very bitter about the fact that Brynn is gone, we're coming up on 6 months. Anyway today I went to pick up my nephew from school because he wasn't feeling good. I ended up running into a lady that I use to go to church with when I was younger. In June of 2009 her 16 year old son took his own life. When I found that out I was devastated for their family. They are such good people. She and I talked for a good while about the tender mercies that we have received from the Lord. In all honesty she was an answer to my prayers. I was feeling like no one cared anymore about me and how I hurt and how its an on going hurt. I'm not asking for a pity party everyday because Brynn is gone but when people say things like ''oh well you'll have more children, its fine'' the truth is no its not fine just because we might be able to have children it doesn't change the fact that she isn't here no baby could ever replace her. I am finding more and more of my friends who are wonderful people who would make wonderful parents can't have children of their own. Anyway it really helped talking to her for a while and being able to explain how I felt and how everyday is a new day some are good some are bad. Or there are days that it starts off good but then something reminds you of your missing child. I am so grateful for the plan of salvation and through that we're an eternal family, we will be with Brynn again one day.


  1. Happy to hear that it was helpful talking with her. xo

  2. Keep your chin up Jen! everyday is a new day and a gift from our Heavenly Father. We love you! It is wonderful that he sends friends to help us refocus :) You know you can call me anytime you need:)
