Little Footprints

How very softly you tiptoed into my world.

Almost silently you stayed,

but what an imprint your footsteps

have left upon my heart

A heart of gold stopped beating

My baby girl's eyes at rest

God broke our hearts to prove,

He only takes the best.

God knew she had to leave us,

but she did not go alone.

For part of us went with her,

the day He took her home.

To some she is forgotten,

to others... just the past,

but to us who loved and lost her

memories will always last.

 BabyFruit Ticker

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Brynn's Headstone

So at the beginning of this week we got the call that Brynn's headstone was done! I was so excited to be able to get it and be able to get Brynn's grave marked. So Friday my parents let us take the day and went to Pocatello to get it. While we were there Devon got a bunch of tools that he needed to get for work and spent a lot of money. It blows my mind in how much he spent on tools while he was a mechanic for Lithia that he didn't have one thing in his tool box that would work. Oh well such is life. We went and picked up the headstone both of us had butterflies in our stomach and were very pleased with it. Blane even placed it in cement for us. He is such an amazing man. I think this next weekend we will place it on her grave. By then we will have a little more help in doing it. It took 3 guys to lift it. I'll post some more pictures when we get it placed. But here is what it looks like.

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