Little Footprints

How very softly you tiptoed into my world.

Almost silently you stayed,

but what an imprint your footsteps

have left upon my heart

A heart of gold stopped beating

My baby girl's eyes at rest

God broke our hearts to prove,

He only takes the best.

God knew she had to leave us,

but she did not go alone.

For part of us went with her,

the day He took her home.

To some she is forgotten,

to others... just the past,

but to us who loved and lost her

memories will always last.

 BabyFruit Ticker

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Brynn's Headstone.

So we finally got Brynn's Headstone in place and I am so glad. Memorial Weekend is coming and I wanted it done before then. I have already started making planters that have fresh flowers in them so that I can put them on her grave for that weekend. My cousin Joseph would would have been about a year and a half younger than me is buried just above Brynn so yesterday after everything was done I put pin wheels on both of the babies grave. Joseph was a still born as well. I am very glad that we were able to put Brynn in our family plot. My Grandparents have promised me and Devon two spots so that we can be next to our baby when our time comes and we go.


  1. Jenna,
    I hope it's okay that I came across your blog. I cannot imagine the heart ache of losing your precious angel. You are amazing, your strength, courage, & faith is amazing. Thank you for sharing your story & for being an example of the believers. I know you feel blessed to have Brynn as a part of your family, but Brynn was also blessed to have such amazing parents! Keep your faith!! Sending our love & sympathy. Kevin & emily (simpson) Martin

  2. Brynn's stone is so beautiful!!

  3. Brynn's stone is just beautiful! I love the way the hills roll in the background of your photos, you must live in a beautiful place.

  4. It is so beautiful and perfect, I am so happy you guys found a headstone :) Absolutely precious and perfect--Love Brooke
