Little Footprints

How very softly you tiptoed into my world.

Almost silently you stayed,

but what an imprint your footsteps

have left upon my heart

A heart of gold stopped beating

My baby girl's eyes at rest

God broke our hearts to prove,

He only takes the best.

God knew she had to leave us,

but she did not go alone.

For part of us went with her,

the day He took her home.

To some she is forgotten,

to others... just the past,

but to us who loved and lost her

memories will always last.

 BabyFruit Ticker

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Our Visit to Brynn

So last night Devon and I decided to go visit Brynn. I cannot believe that her 5 month Heavenly Birthday is coming up so fast. I've been reflecting on her quiet a bit lately, thinking things like I wish I could see her crawling, being there when she would take her first step, listening to her giggle from her aunts and uncles teasing her because in my family if your not being teased then something is up. Any way back to our adventure of going to visit Brynn. So we got to the cemetery road and it still has snow on it, we drove in a little ways and everything looked just fine so we proceeded on in. We made it to the gates and walked from there to her grave. I still cannot believe that after 5 months how incredibly hard it was to stand there knowing I couldn't hold her. After we stood there for some time both of us were freezing and decided to go back to the car. (this is where the fun begins) We tried to back out and soon realized we were stuck! Devon got out of the car and start pushing while I drove... we got no where. So Devon got our dust pan and I had a cake pan and we started digging ourselves out. We got a little ways up the hill but couldn't any farther than that. My mom called to check on us and then soon after that we were on the phone to my Grandpa Allen calling for help. So Grandpa got on his tractor and came and plowed the road for us and pulled us out. While Grandpa was on his way down to get us; our neighbor Eric Nelson happened to see him go by on the tractor so he called Grandma and asked her what was going on so he went and got his Dads tractor and soon follow and started clearing the way. Needless to say I felt dumb that we had to call for help but at least we got out and even better the road is now clear lol. I miss my Brynn so much right now.

1 comment:

  1. I visited my babies a lot during the winter, but it was hard to stay for any length of time because of the cold. I am looking forward to spring/summer visits. Sorry about your adventures of getting stuck. Happy you got out though. Thinking of Brynn! xx
